I would like to talk Youtube for a great example of audience participation.It provide a wide stage for people to share and communicate with each other and post something interesting videos and spread positive energy .

In modern world, every minute, there were 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube. It visits after Google and Facebook.
YouTube is sometimes praised for the promotion of democracy, education incentives, sometimes as full of cat videos and user reviews tiresome been criticised. But its influence is no doubt. Whether militants or terrorists, politicians or singers, even a variation giant spider dog owner, anyone in the world can be free to upload video, and its 100 million users to see.

For instance, if the internet has already heralded the demise of advertising. Forced to watch their TV commercials, people choose to watch online without interruption drama, comedy and funny videos. Interestingly, in 2014 on YouTube hits the top ten non-music video category, there are four ads.

Anyway,Youtube is a great stage for audience participation to interact and share. In here, we can shows everything what we like.

1 Comment

  1. YouTube is undoubtedly a great example of audience participation. Because most of the contents are contributed by users and it also links to social network sites, so audiences will be encouraged to leave comments, request and tweet them. Nowadays, there are more and more famous vloggers with lots of engaging challenges and attract a big number of audience support.


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